Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"JFK Democrat Sees Through The Pervasive MSM-Veiled Progressive Cabal: CA Liberal Grows into Conservatism"   

M. Giles, Reformed Democrat of Elverta, CA, speaks of a Years-Long Awakening From MSM's Stupor:

JFK asked us to give back to our country.  He energized this Post-WWII American.  We continued to believe in JFK & and we happily voted for Carter, who in hindsight cost many of us our homes, our jobs, and who unleashed Iran's Islamic Theocracy upon the world.  Attesting to JFK's pull, many of us only began our trek back to traditional values after learning that Bill Clinton had sexually abused, then threatened Juanita Broadderick into silence as he did with other women, all of whom MSM editors obediently degraded as "Trailer Trash" in service to their cultural hero.

Memory of liberal icon, Ted Kennedy's drowning of Mary Jo Kopeckne has haunted me ever since I saw where Ted Kennedy abandoned Mary Jo to die alone in such shallow water in the pitch blackness of her last minutes on earth.  Mary Jo's autopsy showed her vain clawing for survival inside Kennedy's barely submerged car.  After freeing himself, the drunken Kennedy walked away as Mary Jo drowned.  I'm still dismayed at Kennedy's covered-up, negligent homicide of Mary Jo Kopeckne. 

"But, hey, . . apparently Mary Jo's death was OK, . . maybe . . because, . . Teddy Kennedy was MSM's Camelot torch-bearer,  . . and Mary Jo was . . only Mary Jo?!"   Was she pregnant with Kennedy's child, or what?

Can anyone imagine the pious, accusatory, blaming MSM headlines which would have screamed nationwide had it been Ronald Reagan, a conservative icon, or any republican, instead of Ted Kennedy who killed Mary Jo?

Those two hypocritical MSM 'free passes' darkly hallmarked this JFK democrat artist's oncoming enlightenment, meaning these 'free passes' helped illuminate this once-life-long democrat's seeing my former party's Big Lie to The Workers of America. 

Increasing numbers of us are asking more questions, just three of which are:

(1) "How long has MSM suppressed critical information behind it's veil of silence as it's done with Mary Jo?" 

(2) "What are the wider implications of party leaders condoning Mary Jo's negligent homicide right up to this day? . . . . meaning: What are the wider implications of a political party conjoined with "friends" who control mainstream media (MSM)?  . . . to say nothing of my former party's support of Bill Clinton's sexual abuse of those many women?"

(3) "Is suppression of information to support fellow ideologues modern MSM's true Modus Operendi?  . . meaning: Has the Forth Estate now purposely betrayed it's traditional function to guarantee the free flow of information critical to the proper governance of these United States of America?"

About the time of Mary Jo's drowning, Democrat Party operatives of the Kennedy's Camelot Era were melding with their progressive comrades inside MSM, in lockstep with Marshall McLuhan's contemporaneous monster blockbuster book: "Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man", more popularly known as, "The Media Is The Message". 

Just as McLuhan indicated would happen in this new more potent MSM phenomenon, this concurrence forged the most basic alliance of the oncoming Cabal: the foundation upon which all successive Progressive Cabal alliances have been built.  Specifically, this means that the Fourth Estate at that time committed to unifying itself under one ideological banner & thus, transformed itself into a sub-textual fifth column for advancing the ideology of it's college professors' Frankfurt School of German Intellectuals.  This Marxist-inspired bent is now widely adopted by progressive ideologues: those self-same co-opters of what was once The Democrat Party of the USA, and, the co-opters of what was once a non-elitist, relatively honest MSM in the United States. 

One Degrading Legacy of the 60's & 70's: The Perversion of the Proud Party of JFK:

Painful looking back reveals a cynical double-speak in our MSM-managed "national dialogue", as our slowly co-opted democratic party has sub-textually exchanged its humanity for The Cabal's raw power & attendant cash in the billions of our dollars.  Tardily, more of us see Saul Alinski's foreign-inspired Progressive Cabal's stealthy rise inside JFK's once-inspirational party.  We see that The Cabal has deceptively used the Democrat Party as cover for it's veiled plunder of America's public treasuries as it grasps for absolute power & trillions of our dollars over time. 

Without MSM, cooperative democrats, academia's array of wily book publisher operatives & allied crony capitalist organizations, progressive operatives would be limited to speaking to small groups of ideologues in rough union halls and unused college classrooms at night.

With MSM's blessings, and cooperative democrats, the Progressive Cabal nakedly appeals to our citizenry's lowest common denominator, sometimes converting full-grown Americans into giant children demanding candy inside the government goody store (like the racist SEIU woman in Ohio whom we've heard so much about who sported her "free Obamaphone" given at public expense in exchange for her democrat votes).  This is but one tiny example of how The Cabal hijacks & veils our natural human impulse for charitable giving, thus converting our charitable impulses into it's politically-enforced giving only to The Cabal's chosen targets.  "Giving" only for it's political gain, . . . hijacking public monies for The Cabal in the process. 

This critical step requires silencing saner democrat voices by enforcing academia's politicized PC speech & mind controls in order to hide the fundamental hypocrisy and deceptions needed to give The Cabal maneuvering room.

Another Deceptive Legacy of the 60's & 70's: An Elitist-Organized Plunder of Public Monies for Their Cabal:

Just as an invasive cancer tricks it's way past normal defenses, my former party's breathtaking deceptions (hidden behind legions of glittery, false promises) enable an avaricious plunder of our cash & of our trust via MSM.  A major example of The Cabal's affect is my former-party-controlled Congress' ongoing, behind-the-scenes multi-trillion-dollar draining of our Social Security funds since 1964, all in service to buying those aforementioned lowest common denominator votes for Cabal politicos. 

Academia's cooperative, careful oversight of The Cabal's public messaging smoothly orchestrates mass-deceptions designed to paralyze thoughtful rank & file democrats with academia's PC speech-controls-cum-thought-controls.  This mimics a cancer's dreadful invasion.  MSM's word-smiths have deceived many Americans, including me, until long-hidden, but overwhelming evidences finally broke the Sirens' Songs' glittery cover for The Cabal's Institutionalized Plundering of our public treasuries, . . plunder with which The Cabal buys it's votes.  Nary a penny from the pockets of The Progressive Cabal itself to advance it's goals since raiding public money is so easy.

The democrat party which I joined had once cared about The American Worker.  Sadly, I found that my former party has "Moved On", despite my every effort to find otherwise.  "Moved On" to share in The Cabal's plunder of America, no longer upholding JFK's inspired, "Ask not what your country can do for you . . . . " quote.  Today's democrat operatives would throw JFK out on his ear in a heartbeat.  Alinski's Chicago-style political hardball has transformed the modern democrat establishment into con man grabbers of as much of other people's cash as possible, ASAP. 

Today's democrats have shoved The American Worker out of their elitist allies' comfortable garden/cocktail parties.  Today's democrat establishment overtly plans to increase their robbery of The American Worker through Cabal-inspired increased impounding of the economic assets of America's creators, entrepreneurs, employers, and . . . the impounding, to liberal elite classes, the economic assets of all Middle Class American Workers.  Ironically, The Cabal plans to plunder those same Middle Class Americans whom it's MSM headlines claim The Cabal seeks to "help": whose money The Cabal seeks for itself by means of influencing legislators, covered over by MSM collaborators.

Members of the ruling Cabal's many tentacles: Academia/Public Employee Unions/NEA & All Eduction Unions/Crony Capitalists of all descriptions/Democrat Party operatives/ACORN-SEIU types/”Main Stream Media” (MSM), all co-operate vampire-like to drain America's life blood: meaning to divert The American Workers' life blood unto themselves. 

Note: the aforementioned are mostly on the public payroll in one way or another.  They all economically gain directly or indirectly from The Cabal's plunder of public treasuries, and it's deceitful robbery of the free economy through crony government enabling of crony capitalists' similar plunder.

10,000 pages on The Rise of The Progressive Cabal could barely detail it's organized racketeering which is especially taught by inner-city "community organizers", those same "organizers" who amped up DC's extortionist pressures within Jimmy Carter's Community Re-Investment Act against banks.  In simple language this democrat-controlled "amping up" generated the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac bursting of our Housing Bubble, which, in turn, economically wrecked so many millions of hard-working Americans.  This tenant of plundering other people's money runs rampant throughout our over-paid, pious, intellectually corrupt academia, i.e. academia's darlings: Cloward-Piven, et al. 

The Cabal's parasitism has delivered America to the door of the proverbial man returned home to find his house empty, his wife & kids gone, leaving him with only his ex-wife's angry note. 

My Turnaround: As an artist, educator, and a student of propaganda, I've slowly seen through MSM's veiled curtain by means of far too many drugged, dead, jailed, and imicilized California students passing through my classrooms.  We all know that The Cabal's well-paid Cal-Ed bureaucrats have undermined CA "education" to it's modern-day record of low-scoring vacuousness. 

Despite all of the Wonderful & Dedicated teachers I've met in Cal-Ed, the truth is Cal-Ed was 1st in the US 40 years ago, but now, by most measures, Cal-Ed has fallen to 38th-50th in the nation (after so many 100's of billions more cost to CA's people).  Incredible Heartbreak to know that today's conveyor-belted kids don't remotely count in Cal-Ed's very expensive liberal-elite-inspired adult employment scheme! 

I've observed what follows in this missive on my long trail back toward common sense & humanity.  Many of us have re-discovered and renewed our appreciation of Traditional America's promise to The American Worker, meaning personal responsibility, family, honest work, and prosperity.  More of us have discovered that strong, capable, educated citizens are loathed by The Cabal.  The Cabal needs our students to be easily-controlled herds of adulthood sheep who are so lucrative to The Cabal's future intents.  As a tiny down payment to The Cabal, each kid in school is worth as much average daily attendance (ADA) cash as possible to CA's teachers unions, depending on how many can be failed & rerun through the system: $9,000 per student annually.

Observations of The Cabal's Parasitic Usurpation of The American Worker:

MSM editors feature their 'bad boy' Emperor-of-Chicago, Rahm Emmanuel, & other bigtime Biden-like democrats in sub-textual attacks upon Mitt Romney & conservatives in general.  By featuring Rahm's words to deceptively attack (while appearing to describe) Romney & Tea Partiers, MSM compulsively perverts it's pose of objectivity.  Additionally, MSM's academia-graduated editors seek to create unconscious, pervasive negative "feelings" in the minds of the public toward conservative values by using various Behavioral Scientist Departments' Manchurian-Candidate-like subconscious mechanisms, in college courses, & over MSM's TV & print media. 

To maintain MSM's deception, ABC--PBS crony capitalist corporations seek to hide their politico-economic bonds to my former party, . .  even as they jointly plunder The American Worker through insider corruption in tandem with so many other "liberal" entities in DC/NY/Chicago/Detroit/et al.  All levels of sinecure-run government, (along with academia-educated/corrupted bankers & Wall Streeters/fellow travelers), opportunistically join together in The Progressive Cabal to plunder The American Worker through hidden crony government actions. 

Crony government actors impound public monies to fund their entities ranging from Big Bird and Elmo (each worth millions in their own rite), to the wide range of spurious "studies" which pass academia's PC muster behind DC's closed doors, to funding hundreds of thousands of government union (SEIU, et al,) thugs, to funding discredited ACORN & allied operatives, Obamaphones, et al, et al.

By joint plunder we mean the conjoined economic interests amongst crony MSM corporations (like job-exporting GE's ownership of politicized NBC), commingled with economic interests of our DC-corrupted Congress/corporate crony capitalists/political interest groups (like ACORN/NEA/UAW/SEIU), have created a "corrupt super bug": a veiled insider plunder-sharing Progressive Cabal of Absolutely Astounding Proportions.  The Cabal's MSM allies defensively array their reactionary blackout of information regarding The Cabal's organized plunder throughout it's MSM "news" outlets. 

A properly Pavlovian-trained public won't listen or read past the PC vetted "stories" which MSM presents.  Plato's "Allegory of The Cave".

Any correctives to The Cabal's insider plunder are slow to come from a barely awakening, straight-jacketed electorate whose awakened members are targeted for MSM editors'/news readers' attacks for perceiving MSM's organized mass-deceptions.  The bullying contempt which resides within most of my former college comrades refuses any blame (or any corrective actions) for their self-serving economic crimes against the rest of us.  Pious claims and accusations to the contrary, . . . for The Cabal's preening actors it really is, "All About The Money".  The Progressive Cabal's plunder of The American Workers' Money, that is.

The Cabal relies upon it's profusion of secreted attacks upon America's cash carried out behind government's closed doors, . . . all of this protected behind MSM's veil of silence, thus enabling The Cabal's stunning successes at such massive Plunder of The American Worker, plunder of our public treasuries all across America, treasuries which are now burdened with amassed trillions of dollars of unsustainable obligations which fund Cabal interests/supporters.

This Kafka-esque Cabal is a Frankenstein-ian corruption of The America for which our Founding Fathers fought & died to create for their progeny.  The Cabal corrupts the America which our forefathers built so that their enlightened vision for Humankind's true freedoms might escape The British Empire's 18th century version of The Cabal's timeless, elitist, crony oppression of "We The People".  Surely our forefathers hoped that The American Revolution would be a model for future similar revolutions. 

Every attempted animation of said hopes, however, has been quashed by The Cabal to date, most especially through the Marx-Engels-inspired progressive movements crushing of Freedom for the Proverbial Common Man dating at least from the 1870's.  The Cabal's violent response emanated most tragically from the 1917 Russian Revolution's monstrous Bolshevik-inspired state-sponsored mass-murder, 70 years worth of state-sponsored mass-murders unseen since Roman times, except in Islamic lands, of course. 

The American people, who'd been so corruptly governed by King George's elite cronies, generated our 1776 Revolution in order to exercise the Promise of Freedom for Regular People: a Freedom which had survived the English king's attempted murder, and whose time had come by 1776.  Freedom for The Common Man/Woman was no longer to be reserved Only for the English King's governing/economic elite after 1776.

Today's velvet-voiced newsreaders reflexively deride every perceived "outsider" threat to their comfortable insider plunder as they attempt to re-close The Cabal's net over "We The People" which previously was controlled by the English king's elite.  Theirs is a plunder practiced by their giant McLuhan-inspired news corporations which are jointly perpetrated by the intermixed economic interests of ABC--PBS corporate hierarchies.  MSM's corporate hierarchies co-operate with the rest of The Cabal for their collective cash gain, a gain largely "taken" from government treasuries, just as the English king's elite "took" for it's Cabal members.  The Cabal also plunders our free economy under guises a thousand-fold in emo-based complexity, all dreamed up behind Washington DC's famously closed doors and disseminated by DC's MSM operatives. 

The White liberals' "War on Poverty", which The Cabal has morphed into it's Lucrative War Upon The Poor (since 1965), is a monstrous, expensive case in point.  In this cynical mix, the White liberals have persuaded "The Poor" to willingly remain in a "poor, uneducated stasis", in return for a monthly few dollars more of other people's money.  Opportunity for "The Poor", was once governments' high priority, through various levels of government enabling of America's free economy (jobs).  This traditional American priority has long been sacrificed to The Cabal's focus upon plunder of our public treasuries.

"The Poor" don't need more academic conclaves where wealthy White Liberal professors confer with yet other well-to-do White Liberal professors about "Poverty" in Florida's resort hotels (on the public dime, of course).  Nor do The Poor need more buildings full of expensive social workers. 

"The Poor" do need decent educations, jobs & careers as their ladder to earning their own way to The American Dream for Christ's sake.  An Array of properly placed Cabal members have made trillions of taxpayer dollars off of The Great Society for the last forty years with "poverty" remaining cynically & steadfastly in place.  "Poverty" is their great cash cow.  Why would The Cabal ever want to extinguish "Poverty"?

NBC's Brian Williams' reassuringly vacuous presence comes to mind as a reliable MSM curtain against real information flow.

PBS & NPR round out MSM's veil of dis-information with their sterile panels of soft-talking noodlers.

Rahm Emmanuel, Goldman Sachs & Bernie Madoff, each in their specialties, personify this well-heeled gang of art-party-attending urban elites, a political elite which has normalized it's plunder through trickery.  This Cabal is America's Major Criminal Enterprise.  It is a gang which dwarfs Mexican drug Cartels.  As with Chicago's Rahm Emmanuel or Chicago's Al Capone, this a well-dressed gang, but still a gang like all gangs: one which strictly disallows "outsiders" anywhere near their money pots. 

This Cabal is definitively NOT to be confused with honest entrepreneurs, enterprises and employers all across America.  The Cabal does make every effort in the public mind to mix itself in with honest employers using MSM's aforementioned noodlers.

Progressive politics emo-politically bind these widely-affiliated Bernie Madoff-like racketeers, racketeers who animate The Leftist Religion's obsession with Other People's Money.  Raiding our public cash is The Cabal's true glue.  This gang, (entrenched in such diverse entities as academia's smoothly refined cash-graspers, crony capitalists, government unions, EPA-environmentalists, conjoined with MSM corporations), promotes & sustains long-standing plunder through 'green' initiatives, government union appeals, UN celebration of Cuba's dirty health care system, et al. 

This plunder has been quietly enabled by post-JFK democrat office holders in all levels of US governance for the last 40-50 years.  Previous-Era DC/NY/Chicago/Detroit-style plunderers surely existed, but they weren't so profitable by means of organized-democrats-turned-insider-Cabal-ists as presently is the case.

Billions in this interconnected Cabal's plunder come from the annual fountains of cash which California's Cabal-co-opted democrat legislators bestow upon government employee unions (creating additional, hidden, 100's of billions of dollars of unfunded public liabilities).  In classic Alinski fashion, California's legendary high compensation for firemen/prison guards/nurses/teachers Directly Transfers Billions of Public Dollars to The Progressive Cabal Priesthood straight from the public trough, every year. 

Who pays?  . . . You bet, the lied to, unrepresented taxpayer.

Jane & John Q. Public's taxed blood, sweat & tears is thus transformed into nakedly politicized government union cash which, in turn, these unions give directly back to democrat legislators (to insure re-election) who, in turn, generate yet more cash benefits from our PUBLIC treasuries for their fellow Cabal-ists in . . The Progressive Cabal's Unholy Religion/Alliance. 

Since The Cabal cannot sustain itself by honest work in a free economy, The Progressive Cabal relies upon plundering the public treasuries to get the people's money for Cabal members, like your smooth-talking con man who convincingly 'redistributes' your riches to himself.

Channeling Al Capone & academia, this Progressive Movement's vast enterprise uses MSM/academia operatives to enable its "Politics of Resentment" in order to recruit ever more idealistic rubes (college students) for it's many new Tammany Hall-like operations which service it's various "For the Children" type appeals.  Each new Tammany Hall-style effort is designed to further pirate our unguarded public treasuries: (treasuries supposedly "guarded" by democrat Cabal-ists who "use" them to their advantage, as is the case in California's predatory "liberal" governance). 

"Feel good" greed-cum-plunder, now normalized, embeds behind-closed-door mechanisms which enable synchronized plunder of our public's cash by conspirators as diverse as government unions & corporate crony-capitalists.  Fast, Easy Cash . . . Now.

Post-JFK democrats in government, MSM, & throughout academia animate New Tammany Hall Cabal operations wherever they can.  Politicized groups ranging from ACORN/SEIU/California Teachers Association/environmentalists/GE Corp incrementally foist public funding of their conjoined brotherhood from behind government's closed doors.  Thus, democrats quietly strengthen the multi-headed parasite that sucks America's life blood.  The Cabal’s piracy is deceptively more legalized in each legislative session in DC, and in places like California whose Cal-Gov/Cabal-destroyed economy has ever more impoverished The American Worker.  California's wily Frankfurt Schooled democrats serve the cash-grasping academia-elitist-enviro-Marxist gods from inside Sacramento's Capital Building. 

Just one example: the self-destructing City of Detroit, whose decades of Cabal corruption have generated Detroit's massive abandoned homes inventory of 100,000 dead, abandoned homes.  Detroit's wildly-expensive schools graduate only 26% of Detroit's students with almost none of those students going on to college of any sort.  Detroit's devastation is but one example of the direction The Cabal's publicly-funded, corrupt dynamic inevitably leads us, . . . in a city where no conservative has had a say in government for the last 60 years.  Detroit: a Cabal city so corrupt that The American Worker is forced to walk away, abandoning lost jobs, lost homes, their lost friends, just in order to survive!

Hiding The Cabal's plunder of  The American Worker's cash is MSM's Absolute Imperative.  MSM's Brian Williams uses his friendly-style to suppress real information, a task which is considerably more critical to The Cabal than is Williams' diversionary task of demonizing conservative/traditional values, . . all in service to MSM's standardized perversion of what Brian Williams would like to call "America's public discussion": all predicated in the precepts McLuhan outlines in his monumental book, "Understanding Media".

As The Cabal's ever-growing vote-buying costs increasingly usurp America' public treasuries, public treasuries across America need billions more Chinese dollars to remain solvent.  With the Chinese government awakening, our Chicago-styled snake-oil salesman suddenly touts his: "The rich must pay their fair share", mantra, even as our "rich" already carry most of our tax burden.  The top 15% income earners pay about 80% of all US taxes, with the bottom so-called 47% paying virtually nothing to their masters, . . uh, I mean their bureaucratic "providers", . . kind of a 25% unemployment Greece & Spain sort of thing.  BTW, most of the "47%" are NOT parasites upon their neighbors.  But a dedicated non-tax-paying minority of our 47%-ers are Cloward-Piven-esque purposeful parasites.

Progressive Cabal-ist conspirators have solidified the democrats' quiet transfer of unsustainable billions of their union/Cabal costs onto public treasuries.  The cabal intends this fait accompli to permanently indenture our young to their would-be progressive masters. Our 20/30-somethings are only slowly to be awakened to their permanent tax indenture-ship after they are securely hand-cuffed.  Our young's imbicile-ized "educations" never illuminated Freedom/Responsibility for them.  Now, Obama's Cabal demands even more of our cash than ever before, with our young never knowing the difference.  Elite king's men have always demanded, . . And Taken For Themselves: . . the people's blood, sweat & tears . . . all through the centuries of Mankind's Orwellian earthly governance.

It matters not who heads The Cabal.  We think of George Orwell as writing about the future, but actually Orwell perceived increasing progressive 20th century government controls over a stupified, castrated populace which would lead to future re-incarnations of the historic mind-controls utilized by Mankind's past imperial hierarchical Cabals.  Elite hierarchies, like those which ran the Chinese, Egyptian, Persian, Roman, Ottoman & English Empires, animate Orwell's cautionary tale of modern people fumbling away our ancestors' hard-earned Promise of Freedoms for the Common Person: Freedoms (unique in Mankind's history), freedoms which are enshrined in the American Revolution of 1776.

One example of a modern imperial/elite Cabal insider is Obama's financial adviser, Frankiln Raines, who walked away from his position running Fannie Mae with over $91,000,000.00 of The People's Money.  Raines' ironic tenure at Fannie Mae oversaw the crescendo of, (& the bursting of) America's multi-trillion-dollar housing bubble which has brought such harm to our free economy through Carter's ill-fated, purposely destructive Community Re-Investment Act.  Raines definitely did Not bring ruin for The Cabal.  Franklin Raines' personal service to himself (at public expense) models the many thousands of wannabe “House-in-The-Hamptons-insider-partners-in-plunder" type of triple-dipping bureaucrats whom The Cabal nurtures in all levels of American government.

Americans of all races and income levels pay the Progressive Cabal's ransom, especially the Lower Middle Class and The Poor.  California government's unparalleled plunder of job creators has caused California's true 12+% unemployment rate, fully 3% higher than America's average.  The purposefully untold numbers of Americans "lost" in the unemployment stats mark The Cabal's negative socio-economic impact.  28% of Californians are unemployed, under-employed, or somehow "lost" in the politically phonied stats, . . even as Washington DC's Cabal insiders wallow knee deep in our cash.  Among America's most wealthy (& growing wealthier) counties are those now surrounding Washington DC's cash dispensary. 

DC itself has become the most well-paid city in the US. The Cabal's almost completely DC dysfunctional school system costs about four times what CA's Cabal-damaged school systems cost CA's people.  It looks like CA's educational Cabal-ists have much to learn in order to bring DC's hopeless educational waste & dysfunction to California, in order to further enrich CA Edu-Cabal-ists in the bargain.

We are deeply moved when we see fellow citizens desperately pretend that they don't live in their cars, or they openly beg.  Elegant, Black Mercedes SUVs impatiently honk as I stop to give a little food or money to desperate Americans beside the road near my favorite DollarStore.

Only America's traditional employment & enterprise culture can create the needed Prosperity for The American Worker & bring America out of it's racist-White-liberal-generated economic doldrums.  I repeat, "Only America's traditional employment and enterprise culture can create prosperity for The American Worker.  Workers in symbiotic partnership with entrepreneurs generate employment through Mankind's most successful wealth creation mechanism in history, inspired through Capitalism: The West's greatest gift to The Proverbial "Common Man".  Employment, not welfare, is The American Worker's road to prosperity. 

Conversely, The Cabal's many Solyndra-style-scandal-expropriated-billions enrich a handful of wealthy, Mercedes-SUV-driving loyally liberal crony capitalists.  The bill to pay back those Cabal gifts of our "redistributed" billions to be given to current and future taxpayers.  Therefore, The American Worker . . The American Employer . . & our children & our grandchildren are the hapless fools who The Progressive Cabal targets to repay their plunder of "redistributed billions" from our public treasuries.  This says nothing of progressives permanently destroying future opportunities for, (and the hopes and dreams of), The American Worker, The American Entrepreneur, & The American Employer, by means of purposeful, needless, monstrously high energy costs, which, of course, are designed to enrich The Cabal's fake 'green' members (those whose economically unsustainable schemes need to plunder our public treasuries in order to enrich Cabal members).

Progressive Cabal-ists, unfazed by their infliction upon Nevada it's massaged 14% unemployment rate, have already raked in to themselves several trillions of The American Workers' dollars from our free economy during the last 30-50 years.  They've cynically raked steadily increasing amounts of The American Workers' cash into their walled-off government coffers by taxing job creators at the highest rates on earth, something MSM Cabal-ists desperately hide.  As relatively small robberies in the Big Picture of The Cabal's organized plunder, The Progressive Cabal-ists "redistribute" monstrous amounts of our public cash to Their Well-Connected Insider Friends: Franklin Raines, GE's Jeffery Immelt, the many Solyndra/Fisker-like boondoggles, and their politically connected "foundations" being just a few examples. 

Useful ACLU/democrat lawyers energize the Cabal's cash-plundering schemes.  Trillions of American Workers' dollars have been impounded by The Cabal's robbery of The American Employer by grabbing so much our economy's cash BEFORE any jobs or wealth can possibly be created for The American Worker.  Over-taxed job creators move their operations overseas to save themselves, . . if they can. 

Even as an educator, I've stumbled upon several crony government-devastated job creators, & those whose companies have collapsed & died under pressure from California's Cabal operatives.  Elite Cabal-ists care absolutely nothing for American employees whose jobs their plunder crushes.  Well-dressed pen-wielding Cabal Bandits "legally" pocket/divert ever greater amounts of America's economy Before our American economy's cash can even reach The American Worker.  This plunder is imperative to the progressives' hundred-years-long plan to destroy the American Revolution.

Crippling The American Worker Through Destroying The American Revolution is the progressives' plan.  To progressives, their secular power over human beings is more important than is our money.  This progressive aspect is featured by their cultural heroes: the Bolsheviks, shooting the Bolshevik's useful, but democratic Menshevik allies to death in 1918, all in service to absolute Bolshevik power.  Only once while earning my three degrees in academia, did I ever hear any criticism of Stalin's state-sponsored mass-murder of so many millions of human beings. 

Mao's mass-murder on a much grander scale than Stalin's?  Never a word, meaning that Mao's Marxist-inspired state-sponsored mass-murder of 100 million human beings is just another plank the Leftist Religion's Command Conformist Ideology: . . an inhuman revulsion now mindlessly adopted by Nancy Pelosi, in her capacity as Priestess of Democrat Operatives & Academia-led Cabal-ists.  The Marxist Cabal insiders demand total social control at all costs to the people.

The American Revolution of 1776 is The Single: The Only Revolution in Mankind's History which truly freed The Proverbial Common Person from the king's men, or I should say the elitists' men.  In order for Obama's attempted Resurrection of Imperial Power over The People to succeed, Obama's progressive "Philosopher Kings" must overpower us.  They need us to be weak and afraid, groveling before them for our very sustenance, just like in Detroit, Michigan: modern America's model for the power which the Emperors of Mankind's Old Empires have always had over the people. 

The Progressive Cabal seeks to mentally program the populace such that the public seems to venerate The Cabal's Dear Leader, even as that Dear Leader sinks that populace simultaneously, permanently into state-sponsored poverty & worse.  This is the real-time experiment we see in the progressives' two favorite places: Cuba & North Korea, where the Progressive Cabal has total control over the people.  In those slave regimes, ant-like mental slaves get 100% of their meager rations from their Dear Leaders . . . . in return for total allegiance, . . not unlike the allegiance of an abandoned kitten rescued from the wild.

MSM's Orwellian NewSpeak headlines claim that The Cabal "unites" us, when actually, The Cabal's institutionalized kleptocracy divides us, by whom of us it robs & whom of us it rewards, through it's cynical diversion of our society's cash Away from The People, and Toward The Cabal's DC "overseers", using sly manipulation of DC's Big-Government money maze. 

Academia's studied perversion of Aristotle's Philosopher Kings model claims to "help" us even as academia's would-be Philosopher Kings strive to enslave us on their favorite "Animal Farm". 

Their "more equal" animals are to rule over us, of course, . . with them impounding society's money meant for the truly needy.

Rahm Emanuel's politicized attacks flow from the Cabal's "Insiders Only" imperative to keep their (our) stolen cash exclusively in the hands of Saul Alinski's devoted followers to concentrate power only unto themselves.  From America's most corrupt city: Chicago, Illinois, Rahm Emmanuel channels Hillary, Obama, Frank, Dodd, Madoff, Pelosi, Boxer, Rangle, Capone, Feinstein, Soros, Corzine, and other double-talking "liberal" opportunists & thieves.  All of the aforementioned have personally greatly enriched themselves on the public dime.  Documentation as to how these examples are knee deep in their progressive multi-trillion-dollar plunder of America is freely available, yet hidden by MSM. 

Most particularly, Rahm Emmanuel channels the Cabal's threats to the Freedom and Prosperity of The American Worker, as well as channeling it's dedicated threats to the Freedom of The American Family.  Since The White Liberal-adopted Cabal has so succeeded in destroying The American Black Family, they now intend to sacrifice your family to their Marxist religion's precepts, precepts which are designed to force Mankind's rights to emanate: Not from God or any Higher Power, but to emanate from their buildings full of obedient state-sponsored bureaucrats.

As MSM hides the results of the White-liberal-inspired Cabal's destruction of the American Black family  . . the poverty, ignorance, drug use, drug crimes, fatherless families, and accelerating homicide rates characteristic of democrat-controlled Arising Third World Cities of America are blowing through the roof, . . . a la, Chicago/Detroit/et al.  Detroit's 10,000-plus unsolved (mostly Black) homicides, and it's 86% illegitimacy rate embody the callous, racist-White-Liberal-Feminist-energized destruction our civilization's most vulnerable.  Our ancestors' innate civilization respected that each and every person had a soul, had guiding parents, and had a life worth living.  The White-Liberal-Feminist-condoned, leftist-inspired, state-sponsored mass-murder of about 200,000,000 human beings (Stalin/Mao/Ho/Pol Pot/Saddam/etc) belies The Cabal's academia/MSM-enabled soft-talking hypocrisies, hypocrisies whispered into the morally undermined psyche of an increasingly on-the-take American electorate.

Pawning their Birthright on the cheap to The Cabal's Black Reservation hockshop has killed millions of American Blacks.  The Dear Leaders running The Cabal's Black Reservation hockshop through time have demanded untold millions of Black votes, have demanded that Blacks obediently remain in poverty, and have annually demanded many thousands of Black lives in exchange for those welfare checks & the democrat-amped, psyche-pleasing, revenge-inspired hatred for the White Man which so pleases racist impulses which must simultaneously twist and search for blame and excuses resulting from the White liberal-inspired, self-inflicted Black Plight which has befallen those trapped in the White liberals' inner city Black reservations.

White liberals lie, . . . Black Reservation-ists die.
The never-before-accepted large-scale blood-letting which has erupted on the streets of our large liberal democrat-controlled cities brings us back to our original question: "What sort of party is it whose leaders cynically, callously condone, and cover for the death of Mary Jo Kopeckne right up to this very day?"     . . . today, at the very least, Mary Jo's negligent homicide would be called "Mary Jo's negligent homicide", surely followed by an ignominious punishment.

The horrible legacies of the 60's and 70's, as per George Orwell, show that, however discrete, hidden, or obscure, it's "Follow the Money" to find the heart of Modern America's widespread Cabal/state-sponsored corruption.  Wherever there's unprotected money & power to be had, wily skulkers hang about.

Vlack Havel: Humanitarian Leader of The Czech Republic speaks from his people's collective experience from behind The Cabal's Iron Curtain:

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the Presidency.

It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama Presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their President.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America.

Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their President."


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