Thursday, March 02, 2006

note to letters editor at unpatriotic Sacramento Bee

Mr. Hughes,

Thank you for your comment re; my letter which included what you called a personal attack upon Mort Salzman. The whole point of the letter was to reverse the act of the editors of the Sac Bee of personalizing their attacks upon George Bush re: the war against Saddam. You may correctly quibble about which editor is more properly eligible to take responsibility for the crime of supporting Al Quieda against our president at any cost (heck, it's only Iraquis who get to die or the hated American soldier).

I imagine Mr. Richard Rodrigues may be a better standard bearer for this responsibility, in that he, I think, is responsible for the news pages. The Bee has been, and is, properly accused of subordinating it's journalistic duties to it's editorial spin in it's "news" pages, thereby sacrificing all honor or respect once properly given to many if not all newspapers. The practice of hiding news stories from the people, in service of one's own politics, is an odieous practice, particularly when one is making sounds that the truth is being printed or at least searched for in your paper.

For instance, when have you or your sister media shown the pictures of Saddam leading large crowds in Baghdad cheering for the exploits of Al Quieda at 9-11, since 9-11? You clearly don't want to remind the people of actual danger or what we are dealing with. You seek to hide it! Another giant for instance is the TOTAL failure to print ANY of the news of the good our soldiers are doing daily for the people of Iraq; everything from heroically battling well-paid killers terrorizing the locals to rebuilding schools and water systems purposely neglected for decades by the Bee's new friend, Saddam.

Granted, the killers forming the bulwerk of Saddam's regime (well armed as they are) aren't going to walk away quietly, any more than the socialist Nazis did; but, did we allow our newspapers in WW11 to publish their public angst over how the Nazi's were feeling about their oncoming defeat, cheering them on at the Battle of the Bulge? Civilization itself prevented such an ugliness!

As a strongly liberal person of the past and even the present, I can only say that that ugliness is with us daily in your paper, controlled by your editors, in service of misery and death for the Iraqis, in service of their hate of George Bush. My question to you is this; did people of your editors' persuasion so hate the European people during WW11 that they would have supported Hitler against our country, or does your paper just hate the Iraqis so much that you deem them "not good enough" to save from Saddam? So, I simply turn the tables of the same game your editors are playing. My words are not grossly misdirected in the slightest, Mr. Hughes. Thank you for your time.

sincerely, Mike outta Carmichael

Letter: Editor:

Murtha's stunt is the exponent of the vile democrat lies led by the Senate's only killer, and a gift of the weak-kneed desk jockeys in places like the Sac Bee-ABC-PBS, who daily express their racist disregard for the Iraqui People by their long stream of daily lies by omission re: the War against Saddam.

Those jockeys stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Saddam and Al Quieda with their daily celebration of death in Iraq across their pages at the hands of their new friends, Saddam's friends.

Mort Salzman, a Bee editor, is guilty of killing American soldiers in his mad rush to hurt George Bush. He fails to note his own glee at reporting the thousands of Iraqui dead for whom he sheds crocidile tears, always implying the president is at fault, even as his own scenerio unfolds.

His contempt for the American soldiers and their goodness, which he hides daily, is exceeded by his hatred for George Bush (anything American). He effortfully celebrates Baghdad's death and destruction while gripping the bloody, cowardly hands of his crocidilian French friends; hiding his racist disregard for the Iraquis behind his hatred of Bush.

Yes, Mort, Murtha and co., you are part of Al Quieda!

Mike, Carmichael


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