Monday, September 19, 2005

A letter to a great and civilized young lady called Nevy


So glad to hear from you. It just feels good when I see your email on the list. I am glad for you and current bf. I just want you to know that I too was royally hurt before any marriage occurred. It is only after making a poor choice, and that's just what I did, that I even began to vaguely understand what hell is all about. All previous experiences were just like the first read through of a play that you've not even begun to rehearse, much less dress rehearse or gone on stage on play night! In my case, I didn't even know what the words, horror, or distraught, or bleakness, loneliness, pain, or emptiness even meant before Norma. The responsibility isn't just hers for being a white-trash bitch. She was what she was; one hell of a great temptress! Major league!, and the best looking liar and vile criminal I'd ever stumbled onto, or most other people either. She couldn't help being who she was any more than could I.

She failed in a murder attempt upon me and did kill our three children, albeit through unsanctioned, dirty, secret, abortions in crumby apartments, by sleazy illegal medical "practitioners". I got through it, and they said my biggest job was to allow trust in women to develop again. In hindsight, I can see that she couldn't help being the criminally insane, vicious hater of men and anyone else she chose to hate, that she was. She committed many crimes of a spiritual, ethical, moral and legal nature, with the Sac County sheriff finally moving in for her arrest (after I'd left her). I, the innocent dumb jerk, walked into our marriage blind; fat, dumb and happy. It was my responsibility to stay away from great-looking sirens like her. It is not the fault of all women, so I don't hate women, but I do hate the enabling feminists and apologists for her sort of crimes, who say that her upbringing was tragic, and she was driven to it by the evil (white) men in our society, and all that phony bullshit. Those are the bastards who from the comfort of their offices literally create and foster more crime of every sort against the innocent in our society!

The only reason I'm telling you any of this, Nevy, is that I am concerned when you say you carry hatred toward men generally. That will only hurt you. That sort of thing is fostered by the class and race-based haters of the feminist and leftist mentality, who are responsible for many young women being the well-dressed and good-looking but hateful, crude, drunken, boorish bitches that too many of them are today. Any serious Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Jew, Catholic, Christian, or Moslem or people of any other religion seriously want nothing to do with modern American feminism with it's vile, self-taught hatreds, pouring crudely out of the ignorant mouths of too many of our young women today. NOT YOU!!!!!! This ugliness blinds those women to much or most all of life's mystery, hope and possibilities, and will render them hateful and husbandless, forever. Since they know it all, they will avoid listening to the song "American Woman" at all costs. There are positives to feminism, which I freely admit and genuinely support, but also great loss to the free and happy heart of our culture.

I'm trying, badly it seems, to illustrate the truism that "Hate corrodes the Vessel that Holds it". My support for women is grounded in my support for humanity in general, not feminism, with it's hatreds, debasement and it's built-in excuses, which have been accepted as politically correct, now.

As you may have guessed, I have experienced the hatred of American feminism up close, so I am unabashedly unapologetic in my foundational statements here, which are supported by most men I know. So here we have a base note on why the left and the feminists have such gut-level, full-blown hate of all religion, conservatives and parents, for we are all a competing voice, in their attempt at total control of the upbringing of the young as well as their attempt at total control of society in general.

So, Nevy, my support for You and your Free Spirit is simultaneously a statement to tell the left and the feminists to screw off. Well, I've been hitting it pretty hard now, so I'll stop. I know you are plenty smart to protect yourself. I just want you to know I support you. Your new job sounds great and I'll email you sometime at work too, if it's ok. Thanks for being you.

Best Regards, Mike

p.s. My blog . . google, then, with one zig, it is there.


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