Friday, February 17, 2006

A note for Feb. 15, 2006 re: Moslem cartoons and the Sac Bee

This is a letter sent to the Sacraqmento Bee, newspaper which is run by apologists of the virtually criminal California State legislature and democrat party agenda pushers who will in the end be facing RICO charges. They gutted it and are holding it for "future publication" until they can say it's no longer "newsworthy" and refuse to publish it as they have always done. My usual wordy style is herein curtailed due to length restrictions at the paper.

Another note: they always print the most extreme Christian fundimentalist letters, or nutty-sounding conservative letters and gut or refuse to print sane, powerful, conservative critiques, while printing repeatedly, the very same hate-america, marxist or leftist letter writers many times a year. Also the editors are known to yell at and hang up on me and others, when condescendence fails them.

Here is my communicative effort:

Letter: Editor,

The Bee's cowardly fear of publishing even one of the so-called cartoons which have generated such highly organized and state sponsored violent Moslem reaction, underscores the Bee's vile hypocrisy re: it's secular hatred of religion generally. Even as I queried an editor on the cartoons, he reflexively attacked Christian fundimentalists and Isreal (the implied danger of), in his apology for, and fear of, Moslem outrage. Bee editors kowtow to thuggish intellectual cowardice, if it is anti-American, in service of their own Marxist p.c. god. I personally support all real religionists, including Moslems.

The Bee shields Moslem mass-murder and enslavement of blacks up to this very minute, by means of refusal to really report: just as the Bee has killed American soldiers and killed even more Iraquis using it's pages to traitorously broadcast Al Quieda's
"exploits", then lies to us by refusing to show the increasingly powerful Iraqui support and gratitude for our American sacrifice, in Iraq, for the Iraqui people.

The Bee's cowardice is the first step for it's feminist supporters to be wearing chadoras and living under total male domination. Handcuffed by p.c., the Bee, like Moussowi, is part of Al Quieda.

Mike, Carmichael

Comments: I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to express myself.

Well, that's it, . . we will see if it is published, . . don't hold your breath. Later it was published as the last entry in their on-line paper, deeply gutted , losing most meaning; not in the actual paper. They continue their propaganda efforts.


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