Sunday, June 05, 2005

to a friend across the divide

Jonathon, I hope you are ok. Dad's in a residence place, non-care, but temporarily with 24/7 homecare givers there.

But, hey, I got a few moments to look at your tango blog a while back and I was impressed. I'll try to look at it when I've got some real time. There is gonna be a movie made by me in the future and I want your tango dancing in said effort.

We've been friends for a long time and I hope the respect has been mutual, because I have always respected you and your reaction to life. You haven't always done what I would do, but who in the hell ever does do what friends or others would do? I hope I have been afforded that same respect.

There is one newer thing that is going to have to happen between old friends to adapt to modern reality. That is the modern challenge to us all, in the form of dialogue, real dialogue, in these times. There could well be a civil war coming, and I would rather work toward that not happening in our land. One possible way to help would be actual communication between the various parties.

My basic point of departure is this: When we were all young, we all spoke of The Revolution, meaning in an open ended sense, that we were going to work for the benefit of all, possibly featuring the downtrodden as beneficiaries in our vision at that time. There was always 100 to 1,000 general variations possible in my Cental Oregonian mind.

But I kept running into agents of Marxist Theology who wanted it their way and their way only. I figured they were obvious politicos and plainly superficial characters, clearly to be ignored by civilized citizenry. But now I've wakened from a protracted battle with The Vile Hatred of Vernon only to be greeted by the Vile Hatred of The Whole New Synchophant Army of Self-Indulgent, Self-Serving Preditors Standing In The Way of The Revolution! It's like a twisted and vile repeat of The French Revolution. These people are monsters who have sacrificed every decent human quality on their alter of unrestrained grasping for power with their new religion of Anti-Religious Hatred and Harm to Western Civilization, which They Imagine Benefits Them!

In short, I am a liberal who's been betrayed by the very worst among us, those who've aggressively served themselves first, then their friends, piggishly, at the public trough. The Muslim Fundimentalists have a point when they speak of our shallow grasping for money and power; exemplifying their criticisms are, the brain-dead weasely/shallow Hollywood fools, the slimy/weak nellies in the gov't (Clinton, Carter, Albright, Reno, Kennedy, et al), the grotesque displays in our gay communities, our aggressively lying 527 press, our tolerance of dishonest business practices, our stupid tolerance of the legal shannigans enabling the do-gooders in our midst(ACLU) to wreak havoc upon our morality, economy, our schools, local and larger government(s) (governmental agencies), our stupifying array of phony "feel-good" civil rights laws that create purposeful harm, and our slavish desires to serve up our youth in service of our own twisted visions ie. cutting off our young men's balls and overtly sexualizing our young girls. I ask you, "What sort of Haters would do these and a thousand other extremes of horror to our land, from the comfort of their civil service and public employee union jobs? You do remember the basic definition of a "do-gooder" don't you?

I can tell you that our mortal enemies, Red Chinese and Arab; when they are done choking on their own horrors, are just laughing at us on all of these issues! They're laughing because they long ago have machine-gunned down these antagonists in their own countries, but our vaunted 527 journalists choose to totally ignore their massive crimes, so to attack our own government which they so fervently hate from the bottom of their round-shouldered hearts.

A mortal enemy is someone who will kill you in a heartbeat; who is intelligent, human, caring for his family, his dog (Hitler), his friends; but who heartlessly will kill you and all of your friends, instantly, without remorse. The Euro-weaklings are discovering about mortal enemies in their midst, who they thought could be bought off. The liberal, with their good hearts, have no comprehension of the hard realities of the world. The leftists, with their stone cold heats, clearly see the world's hardness, and want to be more in control of it than they are, to kill more millions in their quest for absolute power.

These are but a tiny fraction of the generalized issue areas that need to be talked out and over by people of the best possible will, from various perspectives, mainly conservative-liberal. I have friends of all persuasions and I've just about heard it all. What I've found is a nasty weasely and whinney tendency among my liberal assoc. and even friends to get hot and angry and shut down, refusing to speak (I'm taking my ball home!) or calling names or acting all hurt if they are questioned about liberal orthodoxy on various issues. Condescendingly calling people like me racist and anti-intellectual just doesn't cut it! It's an obvious dodge and a sign of gutlessness. The liberal's traditional freedom to call names to shut down the conversation is over!

I've been dragged kicking and screaming into the ranks of the conservatives by some of the most civilized people on earth, so my late recognition has NOT been easy! I noted long before I saw the light, though, that the liberals were unfairly hogging and controlling the discussion for their own exclusive benefit, re: issues of control and power. There is massive moral and ethical, self-serving dishonesty sitting in the laps of the liberals, like an unruly child, which points rudely and squarely at the intellectual cowards who edit most coastal newspapers and control content at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, BBC, MSNBC, et al.

I expect you to be a lot more of a man than these people. I've always respected you and the driving impulse behind your thought and heart. I hope, but am not sure you have returned that respect. What I want is an occasional exchange regarding salient issues, respectful, yet with certain ideological passions, with intellectual honesty, resolutely advanced. The editors of the Sac Bee are bunch of hacks who will advance their socialist agenda irrespective of recognizing the validity of my valid arguments for fair reporting of actual news. They are the betrayers of the original liberal movement. They fear my call. But mainly they hate me for reminding them that they are hacks (I've never called them that, but they must get the subtext). Their fear=their hate=their moral cowardice! I'm not afraid of any of these propagandistic pontificators, more properly, self-deluded cowards. The most laughable fool is the self-deluded one; you don't even have go to the trouble to delude them.

I say these things to give you an idea of where I'm coming from; and saying this to a guy who I don't believe is afraid or cowardly and is willing to fairly and resolutely advance his ideas. My thoughts are that it's ironic that The Revolution is now being served far more powerfully, pervasively and subtlely by the conservtives than it ever was by the left, despite all of it's talking points and sloganeering.

Well, Jonathon, do you ever see Larry Hiatt? Peter Elster? Larry Monical? Larry Murphy? Danny Sage? Teresa Thorson? Vonda Winneger? Anna Cousaneau? I'm still so hurt about Harriet Sly. I am going to have to go now.

Your friend Mike, Miguel de la Rosa, Ben Morrison Herbert, Robert Kilgore or Jake Dugg


Blogger Grey said...

An interesting take on the issues; I like the fresh viewpoint. You also write well. I look forward to reading your posts in the future.

2:38 AM  

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