Thursday, July 05, 2007

hypocrisy at Huffpost

Dear Hugh,

Your show is a godsend in this land of thought-controlled mass media!

Enclosed are: First, one comment that made it onto the Huffington Post (along with quite a number that are similiar/stronger). Second, my comment which they've repeatedly refused to post, as you will note if you check their July fourth main blog post (near the bottom of the comment section, where there are four "comment removed" indicators). I did get one tiny piece in describing similarities between them and Chavez's censoring policies.

They demonstrate their massive double standard where they can hate-speech freely, but no one can criticize any one of them herein:

First; one of their many commentors:

forebode (See profile | I'm a fan of forebode)
"Again, impeachment is too kind and takes too much time. Besides that, there is no guarantee impeachment will pass. The Democrat majority is too thin, and the Bush buttkisser rubberstampers in Congress and the Senate are too many for impeachment. Dragging Bush and Cheney out of their hiding places, and gang-lynching them as well as Rove and others who have tried very hard to destroy everything this nation was built on will be speaking to them in their own language.
They believe in brutality, they have used it, and now, they should be on the receiving end of brutality. The louder they scream for mercy, the more the lynchers should kick them and pull them apart."

Second; my response to their comments:

"I'm amazed at the deer-in-the-headlights people commenting here, sounding more like kids after a classroom fight (I'm a teacher), rather than the civilized people they clearly know that they are. Hoorganvisor seems to be the most level-headed one here. I find myself embarrassed for these people who so obviously love their contempt. To those who talk so loosely about civil war; if they had to actually leave their carpeted computer rooms and deal, if but for one day, with what our soldiers do daily or what those men at Gettysburg dealt with, maybe they'd think twice before piping up. The hardest thing to do is learn what one doesn't want to learn, which is what I, as a one-time leftist, had, quite painfully, to do to continue to grow and learn. Many of these commentors are clearly willing to abandon all of the Iraqi people to their tenth century friends, in their on-rush of "strong feelings" against George Bush."

"We will see if huffpost is afraid to post advisary commentary which is anything remotely near to the bile in most of it's favored commentors."


loyal listener for a long time - - as an artist photographer, I can only say that the conservatives need a whole lot more guts and imagination to win this battle. Thank you so much!

Best Regards


forebode (See profile | I'm a fan of forebode)
Again, impeachment is too kind and takes too much time. Besides that, there is no guarantee impeachment will pass. The Democrat majority is too thin, and the Bush buttkisser rubberstampers in Congress and the Senate are too many for impeachment. Dragging Bush and Cheney out of their hiding places, and gang-lynching them as well as Rove and others who have tried very hard to destroy everything this nation was built on will be speaking to them in their own language.
They believe in brutality, they have used it, and now, they should be on the receiving end of brutality. The louder they scream for mercy, the more the lynchers should kick them and pull them apart.

I'm amazed at the deer-in-the-headlights people commenting here, sounding more like kids after a classroom fight (I'm a teacher), rather than the civilized people they clearly know that they are. Hoorganvisor seems to be the most level-headed one here. I find myself embarrassed for these people who so obviously love their contempt. To those who talk so loosely about civil war; if they had to actually leave their carpeted computer rooms and deal, if but for one day, with what our soldiers do daily or what those men at Gettysburg dealt with, maybe they'd think twice before piping up. The hardest thing to do is learn what one doesn't want to learn, which is what I, as a onetime leftist, had quite painfully to do. Many of these commentors are clearly willing to abandon all of the Iraqi people to their tenth century friends, in their on-rush of "strong feelings" against George Bush.

We will see if huffpost is afraid to post advisary commentary which is anything remotely near to the bile in most of it's favored commentors.
