Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Cindy Thing


I am enraged at the Media and Cindy Sheehan. I commented on Buzzflash, a blog w/lotsa liberal commentators. This is amongst them:

Cindy Sheehan adulates herself as she moonbeams for the round-shouldered lackeys for Saddam in her interviews down there in Crawford. As she shits on the grave of her proud son, galling her family whom she disregards as "only in-laws", she daily helps AL-Qieda murder more American soldiers and Iraquis. Oh, I forgot, she and the liberals are supposed to care about the Iraquis, but they truly express their racist hatred for the Iraquis when they help Saddam and his murderous gov't, now Al-Qieda, murder and kill Iraqui children and adults with abandon, celebrated across the round-shouldered weakling's old media newspaper's front pages with equal abandon.

I used to be a very hard liberal, and I can now see clearly the stone-cold hearts that allowed us older ones to ignore the genocidal murders of one million Vietnamese, after we left, and two million people in Cambodia, after ignoring Stalin's mass murder of fifty million Russians, uzbeks, et al, and the Chinese mass murder of untellable millions because we've never looked; not wanting to see the results of our p.c. handiwork that made us "feel" oh so good! We got to "feel good"; they got to die! Thank you Jane Fonda, for the terror-filled last days, hours and minutes of unknowable horror for hundreds of thousands of human beings who were lined up and shot, now residing in jungle-covered graves where no one visits, least of all, the round-shouldered, self-centered, weak-kneed, gutless American liberals and their very own lapdog press! When are American liberals going to take responsibility for their deeds and quit being Lenin's "useful idiots"?

Now we have this "me, me, me", Cindy, starstruck on herself, brain-dead and deranged killer-by-proxy posing as a grieving mother whimpering around before an audience of awed wanna-be "reporters" who couldn't help their neighbor if their life depended upon it. Her pontifications only show that when the drivel and intellectual vacuum that is her essence is teamed up with other killers-by-proxy, New York Times, et al, and Buzzflash, here, all who fervently desire more Iraqui death, that they can get a "news" story; and hopefully, in service of their Marxist god, kill a lot more human beings too! ! ! ! !

Thank you,Cindy Sheehan! ! ! !!

Sincerely, Miguel, also Mike outta Carmichael